Saturday, April 26, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Motorcycle Art Spikes Interest of Nine Year Old Boys
Amongst all the television, video games and online entertainment available to kids today, can children actually enjoy art? While showing her popular painting “Hanging With Friends” at the Celebration art show in West Michigan, Dixie Olin found that they can not only enjoy art, but it can elicit thoughts and insights far beyond what one might expect from elementary school students.
Olin’s painting depicts five leather jackets hanging together on a picket fence. When Olin came to pick up her piece from the show, a teacher from a local Christian school approached her and explained that Olin’s piece had been her class of nine-year-old boys’ favorite painting. It may not surprise anyone that a group of boys would prefer a painting of motorcycle jackets, but what is astonishing is the boys’ explanations of why they preferred it. They said that the strong grid of the fence against the softness of the jackets made it a strong composition, that the selection of the colors created an atmosphere of spring, and that the points of the picket fence with the jackets hanging on them created tension. The boys explained that the painting was about loyalty to friends and country and about sticking together when times are tough and knowing you are part of something bigger than yourself.
Despite the constant barrage of technologically enhanced modes of entertainment, inspired works of art like Dixie Olin’s “Hanging With Friends” can provide an exciting, creative, and cultural learning experience for even young children.
International Motorcycle Enthusiast and Pop Artist Introduces Art to US Buyers
His paintings blend the Harley-Davidson experience with elements from the pop-art movement and comics to create a unique and vibrant style. As stated in his biography, “when you look at Udi’s paintings, you get the sense that you are watching a scene in a movie and his influences from the advertisement and cinematic world are clearly evident.”
His images reflect and express one’s tendency to view scenarios as though through a camera. The compositions illuminate a different characteristic of a familiar situation. Udi uses very robust and intense colors taken from the world of comic books, reflecting the style of the 60’s pop artists who saw consumer reality as an artistic statement of their generation – think Andy Warhol.
Udi’s goal is to give the viewer a glimpse of a situation and then let them fill in the rest of the story. His painting “Going My Way” exemplifies this idea as well as his unique artistic style.
To order this painting and view more motorcycle art by Udi Lichtenstein and many others, visit